Tuesday, September 11, 2012

First Day....in pictures.

It occurred to me that the video I posted will not make it into their "blog books" so I thought I needed some pictures of the day. So sorry this is a repeat, but I need some documentation here.

I had the kids help get their snack ready the night before.  I bought them these Sesame Street lunch bags just for the first week.  Liliana chose cheese slices while Lucas chose raisins.  They each get a miniature bottle of water every day as well , and a juice box on Fridays for a treat.

All ready to go.

When we first arrived, the teachers were all waiting outside.  Liliana was fine, but Lucas grabbed onto me real tight and wouldn't let go.  He then said "Mom, where is Miss Jess?"  When I pointed her out, they both went running over to her.  Guess those orientations were good after all.

All excited after her first day.

With twins and no younger children, each chapter that begins is a big milestone.  So, I thought the twins were deserving of a treat to mark their first day.  We got them donuts and put candles in them...

It was better than a birthday!

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