Monday, July 12, 2010

It started out innocently enough....

Today the kids I headed off to Greenwich Library for story and music time specifically for kids under 2. There were a good amount of kids there, and the twins really seemed to enjoy it. Don't have any pictures from the actual group time since I was alone with them and was trying to manage both on my own. Afterwards we went to the play area of the children's library where they were able to play with toys and puzzles.

Afterwards, we headed out to run a few errands before lunch. Upon entering Walmart, I hit the curb with the shopping cart and Lucas (who was in the back portion of the cart) proceeded to do a full front flip in the air and land on the concrete below screaming. Many people came to my aid...he seemed ok...very scared..but not bleeding at all. To be safe we had him checked out..thanks for meeting us at the doctor Nana! All seems fine. Has a good bump on the side of the head, but that seems to be it. Needless to say, riding in the back of the cart is out of the question from now on. Giving thanks tonight that it wasn't much worse.

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