Felix and I have recently gotten back into the Wii (Nintendo Interactive Gaming System). I have begun to use the Wii fit to slowly transistion my body into any moderate form of exercise. Felix recently purchased Tiger Woods 2009 for the system and is getting quite good.
This is the character that Felix custom-created and I believe in this pic the character is actually playing on a computer simulated version of a local golf course (Westchester Country Club). Too bad the real Tiger Woods didn't do so hot in real life this past weekend....another day Tiger...we will keep watching!
We also had an evening visit from Aiko and Steve who came all the way from Brooklyn after work to steal a peak at the twins. Be careful Steve..Aiko is falling in love with newborns again!!!
Aiko and Steve and their two little boys Ko and Rei are off to Japan next week for a family wedding. Bon Voyage guys!
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