Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Out of work for good

Well, I never thought this would happen so early. But the doctor has placed me on bedrest effective immediately. I went in for a routine ultrasound yesterday. The babies look good, measuring well, but apparently my cervix is shortening a little too quickly and if things continue to progress like this my chance for pre-term labor is extremely high. They monitored me for contractions, but as of now I am not having any, which is a very good sign.

This came as a total shock to Felix and I, but whatever is best for the babies is what we need to do. I am working with my colleagues at school to help finish out the semester. I also joined NetFlix and between that and work and the holidays , I think I should be busy until January.

So that's the scoop these days. I am going back to the doctor on Friday where they will check me out again, and maybe monitor for more contractions. But already, after one day of being off my feet, I really do feel a difference. No pressure, no pain. I guess I didn't realize just what a strain I was putting on my body every day at work.

Stayed tuned for more....

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear...Netflix is good. I advise getting into a series you've not yet seen. We enjoyed Dexter thoroughly.

    Totally random, but through the miracles of social networking sites, I recently found Kim Mowery. She just recently had twins as could share stories!

    Miss you! Working on details to get to see you in early January, even if you are just kickin' back on the couch :) Stay well!
