Friday, December 19, 2008

Good news from the doc and getting our gear ready

Went to Greenwich Hospital yesterday and the signs of labor are not progressing and in fact seem to be reversing. Such good news. The medication seems to be working and I am just to stay on bedrest until I go back on New Year's different our New Year's plans are this year !

Above are the pics of our stroller...similar to the one on a previous post, but in blue. The pics show two different configurations of the seats-twins facing each other or both facing away. They can also be turned so that they are both facing the pusher of the stroller. This one (unlike the red one) can accomodate TWO infant car seats, but since we don't have those yet, Felix just assembled it with the regular seats that it comes with. This whole possibility of pre-term labor has really made us realize that we need to get with the program in terms of preparation for these two. Over last weekend, Felix finished the clearing out the office, which is now the nursery and soon the cribs will be up.

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