Tuesday, July 10, 2012


The twins started their swim lessons on Monday.  They are held at Longshore, where we usually swim.  

The twins were much more comfortable with the water then their other classmates...

If you look close you can see Liliana in the air in this shot.

On a different (and much more significant) note, yesterday was Felix and my 6th anniversary.  However, during the summer, Felix does not work on Fridays and Christina usually does.  So we didn't feel the need to pay to have her come just to go out because it was the ninth.  Last Friday, we went paddle boarding on the Saugatuck River and then had a nice long lunch in Westport.  This Friday, we are planning to kayak out to Sheffield Island in Norwalk.  Having relaxing days to just hang out with each other is something we don't get to do usually...and are way more precious than one date night.  So last night, we just opted for a relaxing dinner by the water with the kids.  It's been a great six years...

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