Thursday, February 16, 2012

Puzzle Mania!

Lucas loves puzzles...Liliana...not so much.  But Lucas can spend a long concentrated time on a puzzle until he gets it done.  Here he is with his fire engine floor puzzle.

I used to LOVE puzzles and would do  them all the time.  Even had a puzzle board I kept under my bed so I could work on a puzzle and then put it away partially done so it would not be disturbed.  Lucas has sparked this fire in me once again.  So today, while at Walmart I picked up this seemingly innocent 300 piece puzzle. Lucas helped out a bit, and even was able to put together pieces if we sorted like pieces out for him.

Soon it became Felix and I and we were a little obsessed...were the kids watching tv this whole time?  Hmmm.....

The finished product.

There is something so rewarding about finishing a matter how small (although this was a little harder than I thought it would much red and yellow!)

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