Thursday, June 18, 2009

Finish what you start....

I promise, this will not turn into a quilting blog..but besides taking pics of the kids, quilting is the the next thing I do the most these days. Well, I finally finished it. I started this quilt in November 2007 when Aiko and I went to the fabric shop together. Since then, she has made like 17 quilts...including two for our twins...and I have let this one sit on the side. Last summer, I was determined to finish it and since I was pregnant and not doing much, I was sure I would get it done. But everytime I would start sewing, the motion from the machine would make me even more sick, so I had to put it down once again. It has been nagging me that I haven't finished it. But I finally did last night. It has lots of many of my quilts do. I sewed the outer binding too tight and as a result, you can see the "puckered" look around the border, but hey, it's done...and I feel a whole lot better.

Lucas seemed to enjoy all the crazy colors..good for color stimulation..right? Or are they still only seeing blacks and whites at this point? Who knows!

A happy, happy boy!

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